Monday, January 12, 2009

Year of the Cobra


I am not sure whether Kevin chose to give me the Cobra puzzle for Christmas because I am in the land of Cobra's or because I bite people like Cobra's and poison them. Or maybe it was because I am really good at crawling on my belly and/or tricking women to eat fruit. In any case, I am glad he did. Despite the fact that it took me far far too long, I enjoyed thinking of home when I did it. The Cobra puzzle was the second-best Christmas present I received this year. The first being the one I bought myself, a place ticket to Paris.
This Cobra puzzle symbolizes people overcoming their fears and resolving to continue the good fight. It represents freedom and liberty, hope and justice, and light blue with a little bit of yellow. That is why this year shall forever be known as "The Year of the Cobra". Join Me. Be A Real American Hero!
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